Fellow Travelers | Episode 1 | Will Ramjass

Fellow Travelers is a labour of love.  It is a podcast meant to explore this moment in our time as we emerge from a global pandemic.  

Briefly, I have asked some of the people I most admire within the business community to come and discuss the goings on of the day.  We discuss everything from playing video games to being adamantly anti-racist.  

Our first guest is Will Ramjass, who just happens to be the AGC of a well-known hamburger chain – delish.  

It is raw.  It is pretty analog.  There are weird breaks and cuts because we need to get better at this.  Poor Will did not have a single question in advance.  Yet, you will see that he is so open and engaging we decided to go with this first take!  

I hope you enjoy as much as we did in making this.

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